Step 3B: means ends chains analysis

Observer asked consumer
observer asked to the consumer why you choosed that product (bike) brand (Unique)?
buyer: 3 attribut thatwhy i chosen this product.
1: the first attribute is mileage. Its mileage is more than 60 kilometer rather than others.
2: mobile charger on the metter. where i can charge my mobile with my bike. it is the uniqueness which was attracted me.
3: it has resell price. you can easily sell it in the future.
i finalized to purchase that product beacause it has that 3 attributes which i wanted to be.
observer asked why it is so important to purchase that product?
consumer: because i am not hostelized here in the university's hostel. i am living outside of the university and doing par time job as well so after purchasing the bike i can go to the University by bike and go to the job as well. i don't need to wait for the local transportation nor wait for the university's buses.

Step 3C: identify buying decision process

1. proglem recognition
As he told us that he is living outside of the university. he had faced transportation problem many time. he realized that i may purchase a bike to resolve my transportation problem.
2. search for relevant information
He started collecting information about the bikes where he collected information about 125cc and 70cc bikes and finally he has come to know that 125cc is a bit expensive. so he has selected 3 bikes (UNIQUE, ROAD PRINCE, UNION STAR) which were 70cc these were quit affordable.
3. Evaluate the Alternatives
after selecting these 3 bikes he started comparison between these 3 alternatives like their  price, shape, warranty, mileage, promotion, durability, resell etc........
4. Choice decision
After evaluating these 3 alternatives he  has decided to purchase the UNIQUE 70cc.
after evaluating the products and purchase decision in stage 5  he purchased the UNIQUE 70cc bike.
6. post purchase use and re eveluation
His feedback after few weeks
"ts good to share with you guys that i am quit satisfied with my bike but it is not that good as i expected. not good  to ride , not  comfortable, but has good mileage as i expected, it has good resell price as compare to others it has one unique thing which the other bike don't have he mobile charger on the metter of bike."

STEP 3D: suggestion to marketer
he is using the product for a while he looks satisfy from product as it made very much facilities to him of course
there are some dissatifation from him about product that he is not feeling more comfortable as he was expecting from that his suggestion to marketer is that they should make the bike more safer, comfort, and facilite.
after selling products to thier customers.
they should make available the part material of the product as the product damage the materials must easily be available for them as service.
its better to expend thier branches all over the big markets that they could easily attract the customer.

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